Word of the Day
orgulous - \Or-gyuh-lus\ - adjective
: proud
Example sentence: Antoine usually worked with the boutique's most elite clientele and so tended to adopt an orgulous air toward more "ordinary" customers.
Did you know?
"In Troy, there lies the scene. From Isled of Greece / The princes orgulous, their high blood chaf'd. / Have to the port of Athens sent their ships." Thus Shakespeare began the Trojan War tale Troilus and Cressida, employing "orgulous," a colorful word first adopted in the thirteenth century from Anglo-French "orguillus." After the Bard's day, "orgulous" dropped from sight for two hundred years; there is no record of its use until it was rejuvenated by the pens of Robert Southey and Sir Walter Scott in the early 1800s. Twentieth-century writers (including James Joyce and W.H. Auden) continued its renaissance, and today "orgulous" is an elegant choice for proud writers everywhere.
- www.merriam-webster.com
Teachers daily calendar Fri 25 Dec 2009