What is a Quafaie?

Quafaie (pronounced: kwa FAY) are fantasy creatures that exist in the fantasy writing of Hugh Kemeny, and are created by him. They are primarily in Hugh Kemeny’s Black Phoenix short stories...

To learn more, read this post: What is a Quafaie?

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Daily Factoid

Ladies First
Terms: 1802-03 and 1805-06
Martha Jefferson Randolph, wife of Thomas M. Randolph, was born on this day in 1772. When her widowed father, Thomas Jefferson, became the 3rd U.S. president, she often filled the role of first lady. In 1805, he son James became the first child born in the White House. 
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Fri 27 Sep 2013

Daily Inspiration

Divine Abundance follows the law of service and generosity. Give and then receive. Give to the world the best you have, and the best will come back to you.
- Paramahansa Yogananda
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Sat/Sun 28/29 Sep 2013

Today's Tarot
1) Card of the day (the important aspects of the day ahead)
2) Attend to this (personal issues that will require attention)
3) What to look out for (feelings, desires or reactions that could arise)

Friday, September 27, 2013

Daily Factoid

I am not young enough to know everything.
- Oscar Wilde, Irish poet (1854-1900)
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Wed 25 Sep 2013

 Chocoholics, Rejoice!
Research has shown that people's ability to count backward by every third number improves after consuming a chocolate drink. Scientists think that the flavonoids found in chocolate increase blood flow to the brain.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Thu 26 Sep 2013

Daily Inspiration

The Lord of Law, to whom we have to render the account, is the Soul within us.
- Gopal Singh
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Thu 26 Sep 2013

And what is fear of need but need itself? Is not dread of thirst when your well is full, the thirst that is unquenchable?
- Kahlil Gibran
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Fri 27 Sep 2013

Today's Tarot
1) Card of the day (the important aspects of the day ahead)
2) Attend to this (personal issues that will require attention)
3) What to look out for (feelings, desires or reactions that could arise)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Daily Inspiration

God alone is Eternal in the midst of the non-eternal.
- Swami Satprakachananda
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Wed 25 Sep 2013

Today's Tarot
1) Card of the day (the important aspects of the day ahead)
2) Attend to this (personal issues that will require attention)
3) What to look out for (feelings, desires or reactions that could arise)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Daily Factiod

Beauty From the Blender
Treat blemished skin with a tomato.
In a blender, combine 1 peeled and seeded tomato, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, and 1 tablespoon oats. Apply the mixture to the affected area, wait 10 minutes, and then rinse with lukewarm water.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Tue 24 Sep 2013

Daily Inspiration

Enlightenment comes from practice, 
Thus Enlightenment is limitless;
Practice comes from Enlightenment,
Thus practice has no beginning.
- Dogen
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Tue 24 Sep 2013

 Today's Tarot
1) Card of the day (the important aspects of the day ahead)
2) Attend to this (personal issues that will require attention)
3) What to look out for (feelings, desires or reactions that could arise)

Monday, September 23, 2013

Daily Factoid

Mix It Up
Anagrams are words or phrases made from rearranging the letters of another word or phrase.
Consider these:
dormitory => dirty room
the morse code => here comes dots
astronomer => mood starer
snooze alarms => alas no more Zs
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Mon 23 Sep 2013

Daily Inspiration

Spiritual teachings destroy ignorance, and therefore remove darkness, but they cannot throw light on the inner Self, for the Self is Light.
- Swami Brahmananda
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Mon 23 Sep 2013

Today's Tarot
1) Card of the day (the important aspects of the day ahead)
2) Attend to this (personal issues that will require attention)
3) What to look out for (feelings, desires or reactions that could arise)

 Today, both The Sun and Death came when selecting a card for "What to look out for"

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Daily Factoid

It is good luck for the bride or groom to bring the  family cat to the wedding,
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Fri 20 Sep 2013

Birth Verse
A maiden born when autumn leaves
are rustling in September's breeze,
A sapphire on her brow should bind.
'T will cure diseases of the mind.
- Tiffany and Company, 1870
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Sat/Sun 21/22 Sep 2013

Daily Inspiration

This "I and Mine" causes the whole misery.
- Swami Vivekananda
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Sat/Sun 21/22 Sep 2013

Today's Tarot
1) Card of the day (the important aspects of the day ahead)
2) Attend to this (personal issues that will require attention)
3) What to look out for (feelings, desires or reactions that could arise) 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Daily Inspiration

I think Spirit is the basis of our life. It guides us towards our experience.
- Ven Lobsang Thinley
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Fri 20 Sep 2013

Today's Tarot
1) Card of the day (the important aspects of the day ahead)
2) Attend to this (personal issues that will require attention)
3) What to look out for (feelings, desires or reactions that could arise)

Friday, September 20, 2013

Daily Factoid

Weather Wonder
Ember Days are observed by certain Christian denominations. September's fall on the Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday after September 14 (September 18, 20, and 21)

According to Folklore,
they indicate the weather for the next 3 months:
- Wednesday's weather marks the trend for October
- Friday's, for November
- Saturday's, for December
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Wed 18 Sep 2013

To Preserve Hydrangea Blossoms, 
harvest the flowers at the end of the season, after they have been allowed to partly dry on the plant. Place them in a vase (no water needed) and set in a dry, warm spot away from direct sunlight.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Thu 19 Sep 2013

Daily Inspiration

The diamond cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.
- Confucius
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Wed 18 Sep 2013

Adversity is the raw material of indestructible happiness. That's why, when young, you out to experience all sorts of hardships, even at a price.
- Josei Toda
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Thu 19 Sep 2013

Today's Tarot
1) Card of the day (the important aspects of the day ahead)
2) Attend to this (personal issues that will require attention)
3) What to look out for (feelings, desires or reactions that could arise)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Daily Factoid

Extended Stay
Before the first frost, bring pepper plants indoors. Keep them in a bright, suny location to enjoy fresh peppers until mid-December
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Mon 16 Sep 2013

It is better to be STUNG by a NETTLE then PRICKED by a ROSE.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Tue 17 Sep 2013

Daily Inspiration

Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the men of old; seek what they sought.
- Matsuo Basho
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Mon 16 Sep 2013

There is no ladder to climb; there is only the first step, and the first step is the everlasting step.
- Krishnamurti
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Tue 17 Sep 2013

Today's Tarot
1) Card of the day (the important aspects of the day ahead)
2) Attend to this (personal issues that will require attention)
3) What to look out for (feelings, desires or reactions that could arise)

Monday, September 16, 2013

Daily Gratitude

5 Things I'm Thankful for Today:
- Up early to face a productive day
- Getting a call to substitute teach
- Substitute teaching well mannered Math classes
- Ginger to ease my upset stomach
- Playing board games with friends

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Daily Gratitude

5 Things I'm Thankful for Today:
- Easy going / relaxful Sunday
- Going to the play "Kill Me Now" by Brad Fraser (new work) with a friend
- Walking in the warm weather and going for a snack with a friend
- Having dinner with friends
- Napping in the late afternoon, to fight off a migraine

Daily Factoid

Historic Happenings
On this day in 1948, Maine's Margaret Chase Smith was elected to the Senate. When her term began in 1949, she became the first woman to have served in both houses of Congress.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Fri 13 Sep 2013

Poor Richard's Advice
A slip of the foot you may soon recover,
But a slip of the tongue you may never get over.
- Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack, 1747
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Sat/Sun 14/15 Sep 2013

Email Forward - Video about maps

This is in French, but still quite good:

MAP vost:

Daily Inspiration

Knowledge is the annihilation of the separation between me and the other.
- Swami Prajnanpad
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Fri 13 Sep 2013

Only a person who has understood his own Self can see that Self in everybody.
- Sri Swami Satchidananda
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Sat/Sun 14/15 Sep 2013

Today's Tarot
1) Card of the day (the important aspects of the day ahead)
2) Attend to this (personal issues that will require attention)
3) What to look out for (feelings, desires or reactions that could arise)

Daily Gratitude

5 Things I'm Thankful for Today:
- Nude swim
- Reading in the sun
- Thinking it was 4 pm when it was actually 2 pm
- Finish part one one of a personal project
- Finish watching classic Doctor Who and getting into episodes of the 9th Doctor

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Daily Factoid

Nutrient Note
One portabella mushroom has more potassium than a banana or a glass of orange juice.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Wed 11 Sep 2013

Behind the Scenes
Keep track of the paint that you've used in a room by writing the brand name, color, and date on the back of a light switch plate.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Thu 12 Sep 2013

Daily Inspiration

When deeds and words are in accord, the whole world is transformed.
- Chuang Tzu
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Wed 11 Sep 2013

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.
- Lao-Tzu
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Thu 12 Sep 2013

Today's Tarot (Sat 14 Sept 2013)
1) Card of the day (the important aspects of the day ahead)
2) Attend to this (personal issues that will require attention)
3) What to look out for (feelings, desires or reactions that could arise)

Friday, September 13, 2013

Daily Factoid

Nifty Number Nine
If you multiply 9 by any number, the digits of the result, when added together, will always be 9 or one of its multiples.
For Example:
9 X 3 = 27;
2 + 7 = 9.
9 X 73 = 657;
6 + 5 + 7 = 18.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Mon 9 Sep 2013

How to Find Your Perfect Mate
Walk around the block with your mouth full of water. If you don't swallow it, you will marry within the year. 
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Tue 10 Sep 2013

Daily Inspiration

As pure awater poured into pure water
Becomes the very same, so does the Self
Of the illumined man or woman verily
Become one with the Godhead.
- Katha Upanishad
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Mon  9 Sep 2013

Be ye lamps unto yourselves.
- Buddha
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Tue 10 Sep 2013

Today's Tarot (Fri 13 Sept 2013)
1) Card of the day (the important aspects of the day ahead)
2) Attend to this (personal issues that will require attention)
3) What to look out for (feelings, desires or reactions that could arise)

Monday, September 9, 2013

Daily Gratitude

5 Things I'm Thankful for Today:
- A beautiful day
- Birthday dinner at a friend's place and their birthday gift to me
- Uneven theatre floor causing delays and issues in building risers ultimately saved redoing more of the set when the director changed the set
- Piling a large about of burnable wood previous scattered on my lawn (from renovations)
- Meeting new and interesting people

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Daily Factoid

Old-Fashioned Filler
During the 1600s, thermometers contained BRANDY instead of MERCURY. 
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Sat/Sun 7/8 Sep 2013

Daily Inspiration

Feel the hidden waters of Spirit trickling through all material life. . . . Feel the divine bliss of Spirit within you and all things.
- Paramahansa Yogananda
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Sat/Sun 7/8 Sep 2013

Today's Tarot
1) Card of the day (the important aspects of the day ahead)
2) Attend to this (personal issues that will require attention)
3) What to look out for (feelings, desires or reactions that could arise)

Daily Gratitude

A couple late nights means I missed posting my daily thanks:

5 Things I'm Thankful for Friday:
- Evidence of concrete being poured soon for my front walk
- $59.00 even on the gas pump without having to top it up (pump automatically shut off at $59.00)
- Rona for the better quote the renovation materials
- Time, energy and incentive to do iron, and ironing all shirts needing ironing
- Going to the bar with friends

5 Things I'm Thankful for Saturday:
- Almond milk mocha (from Second Cup) to get the day going with
- Finding great finds at the Walterdale prop sale
- Afternoon nap
- Great turn out at my birthday / end of summer BBQ
- Catching up with old friends

Friday, September 6, 2013

Daily Factoid

I'm not concerned with your liking or disliking me. . . . All I ask is that you respect me as a human being.
- Jackie Robinson, Americal baseball player (1919-72)
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Fri 6 Sep 2013

Daily Inspiration

We have plenty of time during the twenty-four hours of the day for our domestic duties, for our business and our worries, so surely we can take a few minutes to refresh ourselves inwardly.
- Paramananda
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Fri 6 Sep 2013

Today's Tarot
1) Card of the day (the important aspects of the day ahead)
2) Attend to this (personal issues that will require attention)
3) What to look out for (feelings, desires or reactions that could arise) 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Daily Gratitude

5 Things I'm Thankful for Today:
- Playing around with my sprinkler on my new lawn in the sun
- Going for a walk in the evening with friends
- Homemade gluten, egg and dairy free cheese cake I was  offered
- Finding a good deal on solar powered lawn lights
- Getting a quote less than I expected on the remaining materials for my renovations

Daily Factoid

To have a project prosper, star it during the new Moon.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Thu 5 Sep 2013

Daily Inspiration

If you don't ask, you don't get.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Thu 5 Sep 2013

Today's Tarot
1) Card of the day (the important aspects of the day ahead)
2) Attend to this (personal issues that will require attention)
3) What to look out for (feelings, desires or reactions that could arise)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Daily Gratitude

5 Things I'm Thankful for Today:
- A nap in the sun on my back deck
- A delicious dinner and desert
- Socilizing with the international schollars at my Dad's place
- A reminder of a part of who I am
- Surviving 36 revolutions around the sun; or 13149 rotations of the earth

Daily Factoid

Ready, Aim, SPIT!
An Archer Fish knocks prey into the water by spitting at it. The fish positions its tongue against a grove in its mouth, forming a tube, and pushges a jet of water forcefully out by snapping shut its gills.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Wed 4 Sep 2013

Daily Inspiration

The Great Way is very easy,
but all love the bypaths.
- Chinese Prverb
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Wed 4 Sep 2013 

Today's Tarot
1) Card of the day (the important aspects of the day ahead)
2) Attend to this (personal issues that will require attention)
3) What to look out for (feelings, desires or reactions that could arise)

Daily Gratitude

5 Things I'm Thankful for Today:
- Sod on my front lawn

- Flower on my new apple tree

- Food in the freezer, so as not to buy fast food
- Time with friends
- Easily making a dent in sorting emails