What is a Quafaie?

Quafaie (pronounced: kwa FAY) are fantasy creatures that exist in the fantasy writing of Hugh Kemeny, and are created by him. They are primarily in Hugh Kemeny’s Black Phoenix short stories...

To learn more, read this post: What is a Quafaie?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Progress - with moments of nudity

I think tonight has been one of the first times in a couple weeks that I feel like I have time to do some stuff on the computer - like update this blog.

Teaching last week was quite busy, and trying to get ahead in producing the play for the Edmonton Fringe was a challenge.

I took part of the weekend to relax and went to Labyrinth Lake for part of the Buck Naked Boys' Club's naked week (http://www.bucknakedboys.ca/AboutUs.html). It was a relaxing Saturday.

Sunday was catching up on things including preparing a substitute plan for today (Tuesday) morning as I had a follow-up eye exam - from my unexpected laser surgery 5 weeks ago (see Eye Opening Week post in June). Also preparing for a second interview with a technical college to teach mathematics.

The phone interview was last night between my teaching Lego robotics and rehearsal for the Fringe show. I assume that 1.5 hr interview, and them asking for references is a good thing. Though it does mean if I get the job I will have a busy couple weeks in the middle of August, as they want me to take a 2 week course just before, and during, the Edmonton Fringe.

Back to today and the topic (title)...
After getting home from work to an empty house, I stripped, had a nap, cooked and had dinner, then got some progress on building the set for my Fringe show.

Below is a video I made of me building the set in the nude. I have titled it "Screwing around naked in the garage." It is an hour long.

[The video was too long to upload in one go on YouTube, so it will be uploaded in parts when I have time to cut it down into chunks]

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