I am not sure what it is today, but I seemed to be more observant on the C-Train this morning. There were 3 individuals that caught my eye with their appearance.
One woman had a Vulcanish look to her. She looked quite dignified, and defined facial features (such as her jaw and nose). Her hair style was more what gave me the Vulcan impression as it reminded me of the Vulcan (or perhaps Romulan) hair cuts on Star Trek. She even had the salt and peppery look to her hair, despite which she still looked middle aged (not too old, not too young). It seemed a give away that she was not Vulcan by her normal shaped ears, but with cosmetic surgery now days, who knows....
I was standing in the middle of the C-Train car, and the Vulcan woman was opposite me just to the front. Opposite me a little farther back, was a man who caught my eye. Or more his eye caught my eye. He had one bright blue eye and one darker eye (dark green or perhaps medium brown). Not quite like Jason/the little girl on X-Men 2 (with the piercing blue eye and the piercing green eye). Had I been standing elsewhere I doubt this man would have caught my attention. He was dressed casually, in a black coat, black trousers, and a shirt with some design on it. He seemed to fit into the mix of the transit crowd. His eye caught my attention and I wondered briefly if one eye had a coloured contact lens. I did not observe him too much, and there is only so much one can gather from a few glances. I did however think that perhaps there was more to him than meets the eye. Does he have some special ability because of the eye? (As I write this Alastor Moody from Harry Potter comes to mine, but a much younger one, as the man I saw would be in his 20s by my guess.)
Now I don't mind if people listen to music. I mind only a little if I can hear a bit of it through their headphones (though I wonder why they play it that loud). But when I do hear it I look around to see where it comes from. Opposite the man, and just about next to me, was a the woman with the loud headphones. Now the best way I think I can describe her, is an 'out of season cougar.' She had the general look in the face of an older woman (I'd almost say she looked older than the Vulcan woman, but they are probably both about the same age). She had wild blond hair, and those dark sunglasses that look like they're made to cover normal glasses. The music I could hear (not too clearly, but loud enough), basically cemented the Cougar image to me. She did not look overweight, but she did look a little hung over perhaps (I'll atribute that to the sunglasses). Now it is a little cool out today, and it wasn't evening when I was on the C-Train, so her attire was perhaps the one thing that did not scream cougar, but close. She had a black winter jacket, blue jeans and brown (typical) winter boots.
There were of course others on the C-Train I observed, but not to the same degree.
A woman had three piercings in her lower lip - her attire as casual as the blue eye man.
The man next to her was working on a laptop.
I must also add that I don't think this is coincident that the next chapter of Joe Trebble is titled Public Transit as I wrote that about 4 days ago (just took a while to type up and post).
Sometimes the C-train makes for good people watching. There is quite the spectrum of individuals who ride the train.