Saturday 16 February 2008
The monk" "I am told that Buddha who lived in ancient times sat in meditation for ten cycles of existence and still could not realize the truth of liberation. Why?"
Seijo: "Your question is self-explanatory."
The monk persisted: "Since the Buddha meditated, why couldn't he attain Buddhahood?"
Seijo: "Because he was not a Buddha."
- Zen koan
Sunday 17 February 2008
We do not understand that life is paradise, for it suffices only to wish to understand it, and at once paradise will appear in front of us in its beauty.
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Monday 18 February 2008
A monk named Tenno had just completed his apprenticeship to become a Zen teacher. One rainy day, he went to visit his master, Nan-in. Tenno removed his shoes in the master's vestibule, and stepped inside.
Nan-in welcomed him; they sat and chatted. Then the master asked, "I was wondering, did you leave your umbrella to the left or to the right of your shoes?"
Tenno couldn't answer. And realizing he lacked awareness, he postponed teaching and resumed studying with the master.
- Zen story
Tuesday 19 February 2008
The unconscious mind is decidedly simple, unaffected, straightforward, and honest. It hasn't got all of this façade, this veneer of what we call adult culture. It's rather simple, rather childish. It's direct and free.
- Milton H. Erikson
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