What is a Quafaie?

Quafaie (pronounced: kwa FAY) are fantasy creatures that exist in the fantasy writing of Hugh Kemeny, and are created by him. They are primarily in Hugh Kemeny’s Black Phoenix short stories...

To learn more, read this post: What is a Quafaie?

Monday, March 31, 2008

Zen a day - Mar 31

Saturday 29 March 2008
A monk asked Ummon, "If a man kills his father, kills his mother, he may repent before Buddha. If he kills the Buddha, kills a patriarch, where can he repent?"
Ummon answered: "Quite!"
- Ummon's One Word Zen

Sunday 30 March 2008
We must agree on what matters: kissing in public places, bacon sandwiches, disagreement, cutting-edge fashion, literature, generosity, water, a more equitable distribution of the world's resources, movies, music, freedom of thought, beauty, love.
- Salmon Rushdie

Monday 31 March 2008
Poetry arrived to look for me. I don't know, I don't know where it came from, from winter or river, I don't know how or when. No, there weren't voices, there weren't words, or silence.
- Pablo Neruda

Friday, March 28, 2008

Zen a day - Mar 28

Friday 28 March 2008
Behind all this, some great happiness is hiding.
- Yehuda Amichai

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Zen a day - Mar 27

Thursday 27 March 2008
The flowers fall, for all our yearning; weeds grow, regardless of our dislike.
-Zen saying

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Zen a day - Mar 26

Wednesday 26 March 2008
In a dark time, the eye begins to see.
- Theodore Roethke

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Part of the reason I have not been posting much is that I am doing some course work, as I have applied to return to University and become a teacher.

Yesterday a small occurrence happened that inspired me a little, and from it I hope I inspired others.

I was at the mall, and having a bite to eat in the fast food court, I sat down next to a table of about 6 young teens. I didn't look too closely, so my guess on their age / grade in school, is based mostly on the conversation - I would say they'd be in about grade 8 (so somewhere around 14 years old).

The conversation I overheard was about choosing what they wanted to be - what career path.

After I finished eating, I politely said:
"If you don't mind, I'd like to give you some of my advice. I am in the middle of changing careers. So you don't have to make up your minds right away, for you can always follow a different career later on. But I will say is that you should follow your passions and see where that goes. I followed what I thought was a passion, and others suggested I pursue, and though I don't mind my career, I am changing to something I hope to enjoy more. So follow your heart."

Everyone of them said thank you a couple of times.

So I hope I did leave them inspired, and that I can hold on to that moment as a building block to the continued inspiration I pass on to others through teaching.

Zen a day - Mar 24

Wednesday 19 March 2008
Misty rain on Mount Lu,
and waves surging in Che-chiang.
When you have not yet been there,
many a regret surely you have;
but once there and heading homeward,
how matter-of-fact everything looks!
Misty rain on Mount Lu,
and waves surging in Che-chiang.
- Su tung-p'o

Thursday 20 March 2008
Lung-ya asked the master, Te-shan, "If I threaten to cut your head off with the sharpest sword I could find, what would you do?"
The master pulled his head in.
Lung-ya said, Your head is off!"
Later, Lung-ya came to Tung-shan and told of this episode. Tung-shan asked, "What did Te-shan say?"
Lung-ya: "He said nothing!"
Tung-shan said, "He said nothing? Then show me the head you cut off!"
Lung-ya acknowledged his fault and apologized. Later, someone reported the story back to Te-shan, who remarked, "Old Tung-shan has no judgment. That Lung-ya had been dead for some time - What is the use of trying to save him?"
- Zen story

Friday 21 March 2008
One day Chuang-tzu and a friend were walking along a riverbank.
"How delightfully the fishes are enjoying themselves in the water!" Chuang-tzu exclaimed.
"You are not a fish," his friend said. "How so you know whether or not the fishes are enjoying themselves?"
"You are not me," Chuang-tzu said. "How do you know that I do not know that the fishes are enjoying themselves?"
- Taoist mondo

Saturday 22 March 2008
You come into the world alone and you go out of the world alone, yet is seems to me you are more alone while living than even coming and going.
- Emily Carr

Sunday 23 March 2008
The old lady East of me got rich and now laughs that I don't have money. I laugh that she's gotten ahead. Both of us laughing, East and West.
- Han-shan

Monday 24 March 2008
The true value of a human being can be found in the degree to which he has attained liberation from the self.
- Albert Einstein

Tuesday 25 March 2008
"You are such a saintly person," Chao-chou was told. "Where will you go after death?"
"I wil go to hell ahead of you all," Chao-chou replied.
The questioner, taken aback, said, "How could that be?"
"Without my first going to hell, who would be waiting there to save people like you?"
- Zen mondo

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Zen a day - Mar 18

Friday 7 March 2008
Tell all the Truth but tell it slant . . .
   The Truth must dazzle gradually
      or every man be blind.
- Emily Dickinson

Saturday 8 March 2008
Just keep clear mind, go straight ahead, and try, try, try for ten thousand years.
- Zen saying

Sunday 9 March 2008
Chasing after fantasies is always a bad idea. Stick with reality. Reality's all you've got. But here's the real secret, the real miracle: It's enough.
-Brad Warner

Monday 10 March 2008
Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.
- Philip K. Dick

Tuesday 11 March 2008
One day Master Kuei-shan called for the manager of the temple. When he came, the Master said: "I called for the manager of the temple. Why should you come here?"
The manager made no answer. Then the Master sent an attendant to summon the head monk. When the head monk appeared, the Master said: "I called for the head monk. Why should you come here?"
The head monk made no answer.
- Zen story

Wednesday 12 March 2008
When you walk, watch the walking; when you sit, watch the sitting. When you recline, watch the reclining; when you see and hear, watch the seeing and hearing; when you notice and think, watch the noticing and thinking. When joyful, watch the joy. When angry, watch the anger.
- Muso Kokushi

Thursday 13 March 2008
Lose your mind and come to your senses.
- Fritz Perls

Friday 14 March 2008
Seeing into one's own nature.
- Hui-neng's definition of zen

Saturday 15 March 2008
When Hui-hai was asked, "What is the way?" he answered, "It is right in front of your nose!"
"Then how come I can't see it?"
"Your 'Me' is in the way."
- Zen mondo

Sunday 16 March 2008
I lose myself at some point during almost every musical performance. There's a point of the struggle and super self-consciousness, but I always get lost at some point. While I'm playing, there's a pattern of struggling through something and then cracking through it by a weird combination of willpower and letting go. That's the most enjoyable thing for me: "Uh-oh, he's gone!"
- David Torn

Monday 17 March 2008
Don't know is very important. "What am I?" Don't know . . . "Where is my mind?" Don't know . . . "When I was born, where did I com from?" Don't know . . . "When I die, where do I go?" Don't know . . . And actually, you really don't know, in the deepest, truest sense. And it is very important to look into that.
- Seung Sahn

Tuesday 18 March 2008
Nothing gives rest but the sincere search for truth.
- Blaise Pascal

Monday, March 17, 2008

Luck of the Irish

"He knows when you are bad or good"
I don't mean Santa, I mean the Leprechauns

As I mentioned in my previous post, I was having some problems with I guy I met back in December. I found out a heck of a lot more about him about a month ago, such as he was not Irish as he claimed to be, and he was scamming people across Canada.

I started to get caught up in his web, and was luckily informed of the type of guy he is just about in time. I was however already caught in something I realized I should not have been (gotta remember to listen to my gut instincts!), and to protect myself I went to the police - separate from a large case I heard was being built up against him.

So, here is where my title and first lines come in:
I was woken up early in the AM of St. Patrick's Day* by a call from the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police), that he was arrested.
So, I'd have to say that if you claim to be Irish and ain't, then you ain't got their luck (quite the opposite).

*St. Patrick's Day I refer to is the one most people know: 17 March (2008).
However, it was brought to my attention that this year St. Patrick's Day was moved to 15 March 2008 by the Pope, as Palm Sunday was 16 March 2008, which starts the Holy week before Easter. I understand that during this week one is not suppose to celebrate much (I am not Catholic, nor Christian of any denomination, so my understandings are quite likely not totally accurate), which is why St. Patrick's Day was moved before Palm Sunday.
Regardless I quasi-celebrated St. Patrick's Day today by wearing green - though no drinking. I did drink on Saturday, 15 March 2008, but I did not know it was St. Paddy's day on that day.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Regarding lack of posting

For those that read my blog on any sort of regular basis, I am sorry I have not posted much recently.

About a month ago I leaned a few things about the guy I was dating, and it kind of put me in between an emotional rock and a personal moral hard place. The past couple weeks have been the hardest, and things are through with him. Though I may still have to deal with one issue next week in regards to him.

Any how, this past week I spent in Edmonton with my family, taking a quasi-vacation (since some of my time in Edmonton was actually for work). Also during this week I have been able to start getting the pieces in place on the way to a new career....
Going back to university in September (if I am accepted, but I have no worries about that). There are however a couple prerequisite courses I need to do to enroll in the specific program I want, so those will be over the summer.

I also am finishing up the last paper work to get my professional qualifications in my current career - which includes a major exam in July.

Ultimately, it is looking like I will be quite busy, as my paid work is picking up, as well as some volunteer work. But hopefully I will still be able to post (perhaps more regularly as I get into a study & work routine).

Thank you all for reading my blog, and all the comments. I must say that there are a few comments on past blogs I have to reply to...
such as in regards to the silk underwear, that can be bought at Mountain Equipment Co-op: http://www.mec.ca/

Monday, March 10, 2008

Weird Dreams

So I have not really kept up on this blog, and that is just what happens in my life. I get busy and things I start fall to the way-side.
But some of the rocky road of life is settling, and I am realizing I need to do more random thought writing, so I hope that will mean I'll resurrect this blog.

A good place to start with the random thoughts is a few interesting dreams I've had recently.

1) Random Acts of Writing:
This dream was a few weeks ago now. In the dream I was going around asking people for common sayings, and then using the internet doing a search to build a random story from the information the websites (such as wikipedia) would have on the common saying. That was until one person started to give me some metaphorical story - beyond the short common saying.

2) Feline Comfort:
Last week I was feeling quite down (life had thrown me a couple curve balls, that hit me hard), and this one dream seemed to comfort me. I am not sure if the entire thing was a dream or if I actually woke up at one point. Where I recall it starting is feeling a cat come visit me in bed. Now I do not live with cats, but grew up with them. I 'woke up' (for real or in my dream?) and said to myself: 'That felt like the spirit of Hailey (my old cat, passed away about 4 years ago). Thank you for visiting me Hailey.' Then I went back to sleep, where two more cats visited me in bed - I could feel them, and hear them purr. I got up (in the dream) to follow them, and see how they got into my apartment. They showed me that I had left the apartment door slightly open. They left my apartment and I followed (not wearing anything), and they went down the hall to a neighbour's apartment where there was a good looking guy waiting for them - he'd just moved in (in the dream). It felt comforting to have the cats visit me.

3) Are they Good or are they Bad?:
Last night's dream was very sci-fi. I was assisting with the set up of a colony on a planet. We heard word of a ship of unknown origins on its way to us, and were monitoring any changes in extra-terrestrial signals. I was watching a monitor that showed a variety of sinusoidal waves (stellar spectrum, radio waves, etc). As word came in that the ship was approaching, I noticed a few signs on the monitor - signals changing. Eventually all the signals had the same characteristic (looked the same), and as I looked up and mentioned this we could see this huge ship appear in the sky. We had no communication from them, but there was nothing to believe they were threatening, but nothing to believe they were allies either. The dream ended pretty much there, the ship in the sky, a feeling of wonder and uncertainty, with a little fear of the 'unknown'.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Zen a day - Mar 6

A week of Zen a day catch-up:

Thursday 28 February 2008
Koans will change your idea of who you are, and this will require courage . . . Everyone thinks they want happiness, but they might not. They might rather keep their stories about who they are and about what is impossible.
- John Tarrant

Friday 29 February 2008
You can play a shoestring if you're sincere.
- John Coltrane

Saturday 1 March 2008
Our minds are continually active, fabricating an anxious, usually self-preoccupied veil which partially conceals the world.
- Iris Murdoch

Sunday 2 March 2008
If your understanding is the same as that of your teacher, you take away half your teacher's worth. When your understanding surpasses your teacher, you are worthy to succeed him.
- Zen saying

Monday 3 March 2008
One day Master Kuei-shan and Yang-shan were picking tea leaves. The Master said: "All day I have heard your voice, but I have not seen you yourself. Show me your real self."
Yang-shan shook the tea bush. The Master commented: "You have achieved the function but not the substance."
When Yang-shan asked his master what he had achieved, the Master remained silent. Yang-shan commented: "You, Master, have achieved the substance, but not the function."
- Zen mondo

Tuesday 4 March 2008
The ordinary acts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suspect.
- Thomas More

Wednesday 5 March 2008
Walking along a mountain path
I find a sandal-print in the moss,
a billowy cloud low on the lake,
grasses growing up to a door,
a pine tree shimmering green,
a brook gurgling along from the mountain,
and as I mingle with Truth among the flowers,
I have forgotten what to say.
- Liu Chiang-ch'ing

Thursday 6 March 2008
The more intelligent and cultured a man is, the more subtly he can humbug himself.
- Carl Gustav Jung