For those that read my blog on any sort of regular basis, I am sorry I have not posted much recently.
About a month ago I leaned a few things about the guy I was dating, and it kind of put me in between an emotional rock and a personal moral hard place. The past couple weeks have been the hardest, and things are through with him. Though I may still have to deal with one issue next week in regards to him.
Any how, this past week I spent in Edmonton with my family, taking a quasi-vacation (since some of my time in Edmonton was actually for work). Also during this week I have been able to start getting the pieces in place on the way to a new career....
Going back to university in September (if I am accepted, but I have no worries about that). There are however a couple prerequisite courses I need to do to enroll in the specific program I want, so those will be over the summer.
I also am finishing up the last paper work to get my professional qualifications in my current career - which includes a major exam in July.
Ultimately, it is looking like I will be quite busy, as my paid work is picking up, as well as some volunteer work. But hopefully I will still be able to post (perhaps more regularly as I get into a study & work routine).
Thank you all for reading my blog, and all the comments. I must say that there are a few comments on past blogs I have to reply to...
such as in regards to the silk underwear, that can be bought at Mountain Equipment Co-op:
Hey man, no need for apologies, we're just plain old missing you, that's all. We wish you well. Be around when you can. And the best of luck sorting things out.