What is a Quafaie?

Quafaie (pronounced: kwa FAY) are fantasy creatures that exist in the fantasy writing of Hugh Kemeny, and are created by him. They are primarily in Hugh Kemeny’s Black Phoenix short stories...

To learn more, read this post: What is a Quafaie?

Monday, June 16, 2008

Zen a day - catch-up 1 - May 23-29

As I realized I have about 25 Zen-a-days I am behind, I thought I should post them in sets of reasonable numbers. So, for the next few days I will be posting 7 a day. Here is the first set:

Friday 23 May 2008
God hated reality but realized it was still the only place to get a good steak.
- Woody Allen

Saturday 24 May 2008
Lower your standards.
- William Stafford's advice to poets

Sunday 25 May 2008
A monk traveled a long way to visit the master, Nansen. The monk found him by the side of the road, cutting grass.
"What is the way to Nansen?" asked the monk.
Nansen answered: "I bought this sickle for thirty cents."
The monk said: "I did not ask about the sickle. I asked the way to Nansen."
Nansen answered: "I use it in full enjoyment."
- Zen koan

Monday 26 May 2008
I would like to beg you, deer sir, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don't search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, some day in the far future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.
- Rainer Maria Rilke

Tuesday 27 May 2008
From the temple deep in a bamboo grove
come the sound of the evening bell,
while the pilgrim's straw hat carries sunset
farther and farther down the green mountain.
- Liu Chiang-ch'ing

Wednesday 28 May 2008
Do your work, then step back - the only path to serenity
- Tao Te Ching

Thursday 29 May 2008
We accept the graceful falling
of mountain cherry blossoms,
but it is much harder for us
to fall away from our own
attachment to the world.
- Rengetsu

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