Teachers may not always be fearless, but they definitely can't be cenophobic (afraid of new things or ideas), pedophobic (afraid of children), scolionophobic (afraid of school), or epistemophobic (afraid of knowledge).
(Teachers page-a-day calendar - Sat/Sun 17/18 January 2009)
Life is too short to be in a hurry.
- Henry David Thoreau
(Zen page-a-day calendar - Sunday 30 November 2008)
No man shouldd go through life without once experiencing healthy, even bored solitude in the wilderness, finding himself depending solely on himself and thereby learning his tru and hidden strength.
- Jack Kerouac
(Zen page-a-day calendar - Monday 1 December 2008)
Crescent moon -
bent to the shape
of the cold.
- Issa
(Zen page-a-day calendar - Tuesday 2 December 2008)
Every concept grasped by the mind becomes an obstacle in the quest to those who search.
- Gregory of Nyssa
(Zen page-a-day calendar - Wednesday 3 December 2008)
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