I believe the weather truly affects my moods.
With spring here I am feeling a little more energized, and capable of tackling all I have on the go. . .
and I have a lot on the go at the moment. . .
I am taking 3 spring classes - that started last week and run 6 weeks:
Drama: 3 hours a day 4 days a week.
Intro to Counseling: 1.5 hr lectures + 1.5 hr seminars back to back twice a week.
Greek & Roman Myth: 3 hours twice a week.
All three of these classes run on Tuesdays & Thursdays! My last class ends 12 hours after my first one starts.
On top of the classes I have house work that needs to be done - some I can do, some I have to hire professionals.
Professional work: Replacing my sewer line (house to city tie-in), installing basement window wells, and regrading around the sides of the house are the top three.
I have already started some of the stuff I can do, which includes pruning pine trees that desperately needed it, and repainting the bathroom. Soon will be removing a couple trees and seeing what I can do with my front lawn for next to nothing (ie no money) .
Besides all that work I have also been getting out (possibly to the detriment of my course work / homework) and have met up with a few guys. Great guys that I hope to hang out with more.
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