Most of the stuff I post there are nude photos of guys, with occasional photos of me.
I try and keep the photos there in the 'artistic' realm, to try and not to have it too overly sexual. I do occasionally get questions there, which I try and reply to when I can.
One such question, which I am replying to at the moment is:
My reply is:Anonymous asked you:im a canadian living in boston your really hot i enjoyed your photo. you should take a molding shot you would make it thanks scott
Thanks :)
I have considered nude modelling, but a couple things have 'stopped' me (more obstructions than outright stops).
First, I'm not sure where to start in terms of modelling (nude or otherwise). I once applied to a place in the UK when I lived there, but never heard back (which I think has lead to me not being as actively looking for places to model).
Second, my professional career(s).... I'm not sure how well my nudism would be taken if known to my employer(s). One of the reasons why I try and keep the photos of me to more naturalism / nudism (vs 'sexual'), because then I can say they are 'art'
I created this blog post to add a couple more comments; comments I don't particularly want on my tumblr site, but don't mind saying here (and referring to this site on tumblr).
These comments are related to my professional career(s), and why I am a bit leery about nude modelling.
Currently I work for a post secondary educational school (a technical school). If I stay on with them, I'm not overly concerned about my nudism, still, not sure how the 'school' would look upon me if they found out.
I was looking at jobs with elementary and secondary school boards. If I end up working for one of them I am more concerned about my nudism being known to the students and parents. Which is why I try and keep my nudism photos to the more artistic side.
My previous career was in engineering. I am not certain if I will (or will not) return to that. Just as with my current job, I'm not as concerned, about my nudism, just about the 'boss' finding out and if it would affect my job.
But heck, that could go for almost anything one does in personal life.... that it could affect one's work life (I have a friend who was working for a non-government organization, and was heavily volunteering for a political party at the same time. When he was laid off from his job, he told me he thought it might have been because of all the political stuff he put on twitter).
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