On Saturday 14 January I hosted the Buck Naked Boy's Club of Edmonton's January winter potluck.
My 3 tenants vacated the house for the night. Two went out of town, the third happened to arrive home after everyone else left. (Of the 3, he seems to be the least uncomfortable with my nudism, since I was still naked when he got back and acted as if I was dressed).
Their was a decent crowd (about 14), considering we were getting a small snow storm - the start of winter coming about 2 months later than usual (now who can deny climate change? .... that's a topic for another day).
For those who have not participated, the events usually go like this:
Guest start arriving around 6pm. They drop off their potluck dish and go strip in the room provided for that.
They are required to bring a towel to sit on. After stripping, they go and socialize with whomever else is around.
Topics of conversation covered yesterday, as I recall, included: politics of teaching, teaching in general, robots, politics of working for the city, current events, weather, my play and drama / theatre in general, the type and amount of food (i.e. praises, amount of deserts), naked yoga (which starts this coming Wednesday), nude swimming with Edmonton's Pagan Society (next weekend), and others I do not recall or were not prithee to.
Appetizers usually come out between 6 and 6:30, with the rest of the food between 6:30 and 7pm. Followed by desert usually by 8pm.
The BNBC of Edmonton also have a massage table, which was not used much yesterday.
People usually start to leave sometime between 9 and 10pm, with pretty much everyone gone by midnight.
It is a nudist group, for men only. So although sexual topics may be talked about, sex does not happen (caveat: at the summer lodge weekends, sex may happen as long as it is out of sight from public).
For more information go to their website: http://www.bucknakedboys.ca/
Also, here is the website of PanFest, (Edmonton Pagan Society): http://www.panfest.ca/index.php
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