What is a Quafaie?

Quafaie (pronounced: kwa FAY) are fantasy creatures that exist in the fantasy writing of Hugh Kemeny, and are created by him. They are primarily in Hugh Kemeny’s Black Phoenix short stories...

To learn more, read this post: What is a Quafaie?

Monday, January 16, 2012

Ignorance can be bliss....

I am deep in to producing a play for the second time and it is a world of differences from my first time.

The first time I wrote the script, produced it, and had a minor acting role. For that one I left most of the design up to my director / stage manager. The show was produced at the Winnipeg and Edmonton Fringe Theatre Festivals (in 2007). The set was fairly simple.... yet complicated too.
Some of the things I learned from that adventure were:
  • The less set / scene changes the better
  • Keep the cast to a minimum (I had 5 actors), especially when doing a traveling show (unless there is ample $$$)
  • How to deal with difficult actors (we were to perform in Saskatoon too, but didn't.... that is another story)
  • Promotional design and how to get the word out (media, word of mouth, complementary tickets, etc).

Fast forward about 2 year (to the latter part of 2009), where I took an intro course in Stagecraft and Design, where I got a B+.

Fast forward another 2 years (to the latter part of 2011). I started volunteering at the Walterdale Playhouse theatre, where I am beginning to get actual hands on experience with the stagecraft and design aspects of theatre.

This second play I am producing I also wrote, and have taken some of what I learned to make it a one-act set in one location, with a cast of 3. I only applied to the Edmonton Fringe Theatre Festival, and Stage Struck 2012 in Edmonton (so no traveling).

Moving on to today (January)....
From getting all the actors, to the day the play is on stage, is less than 6 weeks. And this time I am also directing and designing it....

Now to relate it back to the title....

Back in 2007 I was ignorant. I had seen many plays at the Fringe festivals, as well as other theatres. I knew the Fringes worked on much smaller budgets (next to nothing for some). So I figured I could try it. I thought I did well, considering I had a lousy script..... at least I enjoyed the experience.

In 2012 it is a different story. Sure I am enjoying it, but I have learned that there is so much more to producing a show. I have the script, I have the actors, I have a stage manager (who has been great at getting make-up and helping to get a set designer). My set designer however had to pull out for personal reason, he did a preliminary drawing (see pic at the top), but I still have to build it. And paint it, and light it, and do sound...... plus direct.
My biggest mistake (aka what I have learned so far this round), is not getting the script, actors, and others involved earlier, so there would be more time to get everything in place.

Needless to say, once Stage Struck 2012 is over - the last weekend of February - I will be turning my attention to the Edmonton Fringe, which is in mid August.... that way I hope to have just about everything raring to go come that festival.

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