What is a Quafaie?

Quafaie (pronounced: kwa FAY) are fantasy creatures that exist in the fantasy writing of Hugh Kemeny, and are created by him. They are primarily in Hugh Kemeny’s Black Phoenix short stories...

To learn more, read this post: What is a Quafaie?

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Daily Factoid

Tastefully Done
Sprinkle dried oregano, rosemary, tarragon, or other herbs onto hot coals just before grilling to enhance the flavor of foods.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Fri 26 July 2013

The largest water  lily in the world, Victoria amazonica, grows leaves up to 9 feet in diameter.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Sat/Sun 27/28 July 2013

Daily Inspiration

If you have a happy mind, your face and body will reflect that happiness.
- Sri Swami Satchidananda
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Fri 26 July 2013

If what we are now has been th eresult of our own past actions, it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in the future can be produced by our present actions; so we have to know how to act.
- Swami Vivekananda
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Sat/Sun 27/28 July 2013

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Daily Factoid

Seagull, seagull,
sit[ting] on the sannd;
It's never good
weather while you're
on the land
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Wed 24 July 2013

Ladies First
Term: 1841
First Lady Anna Harrison, wife of William Henry Harrison (9th U.S. president), was born on this day in 1775. During her husband's inauguration and death a month later, she was ill at home in Ohio. Anna was the second first lady never to have entered the White House. (Martha Washington was the first).
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Thu 25 July 2013

Daily Inspiration

Always according to where we place our thought do we gain the result. This is the law.
- Paramananda
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Wed 24 July 2013

Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. 
Always aim at  purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Thu 25 July 2013

Monday, July 29, 2013

Daily Factoid

Into the sunset's turquoise marge,
The Mood dips, like a pearly barge.
- Madison Cawein. American poet (1865-1914)
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Mon 22 July 2013

Mite-y Formula
To make spider mite repellant, combine:
  • 1/2 cup butter milk
  • 4 cups wheat flower
  • 5 gallons water
Strain the mixture through cheesecloth and discard the solids. 
Spray the liquid on mite-affected plants.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Tue 23 July 2013

Daily Inspiration

Be a spot on the ground where nothing is growing, where something might be planted, a seed, from the Absolute.
- Djalal Ad-Din Rumi
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Mon 22 July 2013

 When armies are mobilized
and issues joined,
The man who is sorry over
the fact will win.
- Lao-Tzu
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Tue 23 July 2013

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Daily Factoid

How To Find Your Perfect Mate
Think of the one you love while you swallow a four-leaf clover, and your love will be returned.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Fri 19 July 2013

Spud Testing
To determine what kind of potatoes you have, drop one in a pot containing 11 parts water to 1 part salt. Waxy potatoes, best for SALADS, will float. Mealy potatoes, best for BAKING or MASHING, will sink.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Sat/Sun 20/21 July 2013

Daily Inspiration

We must deliver ourselves with the help of our minds. . . . for one who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends.
- The Bhagavad Gita
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Fri 19 July 2013

When the poor come to you in great need, begging for food, do not harden your hearts against them. Remember that the poor may once have been rich, and you may one day be poor.
- Rig Veda
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Sat/Sun 20/21 July 2013

Friday, July 26, 2013

Daily Factoid

Can't Beet That
In 1975, when the U.S.'s APOLLO 18 spacecraft docked in space with the Soviet Union's SOYUZ 19, the cosmonauts served the astronauts borscht squeezed from tubes.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Wed 17 July 2013

The way to be truly happy is to fill up every passing hour with something useful. Let us not wait for some nobler and higher work to do. . . . It is the humble work that makes life noble.
- The Old Farmer's Almanac, 1873
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Thu 18 July 2013

Daily Inspiration

Wake up! The world's a mote of dust.
Behold heaven's round mirror.
Turn loose! Slip past shape and shadow,
Sit side by side with nothing, save Tao.
- Shih Shu
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Wed 17 July 2013

Be soft in your practice.
Think of the methof as a fine silvery stream, not a raging wterfall.
- Sheng-Yen
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Thu 18 July 2013

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Daily Factoid

My wife's an earth sign
I'm a water sign.
Together we make mud.
-  attributed to Rodney Dangerfield, American comedian (1921-2004)
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Mon 15 July 2013

Historic Happenings
On this day in 1880, Dr. Emily Howard Stowe, the first woman to practice nedicine in Canada, received her medical license.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Tue 16 July 2013

Daily Inspiration

Have good trust in yourself - not in the One that you think you should be, but in the One that you are.
- Maezumi Roshi
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Mon 15 July 2013

You may visualize God in whatever aspect rouses one's devotion and keeps his mind inwardly attuned to the Divine.
- Sri Daya Mata
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Tue 16 July 2013

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Daily Factoid

One of a Kind
Newfoundland has its own dictionary. The Dictionary of Newfoundland English, first published in 1982, includes such terms as "wait-a-minute" (a sulfur-tipped match) and "pampooty" (a sock or soft shoe). 
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Fri 12 July 2013

Caffeinated Critters
To deter snails in the garden, spray strong leftover coffee on the leaves and stems of plants
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Sat/Sun 13/14 July 2013

Daily Inspiration

We are NOT human beings on the "spiritual path," RATHER . . . we are "spiritual beings" on the human path.
- Yogi Bhajan
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Fri 12 July 2013

we mus learn to love those who think exactly opposite to us.
- Swami Vivekananda
 Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Sat/Sun 13/14 July 2013

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Daily Factoid

Poor Richard's Advice
Look before, or you'll find yourself behind.
- Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack, 1735
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Wed 10 July 2013 

Patriotic Pet
U.S. president William McKinley had a pet parrot named Washington Post. When the president whistled the beginning notes of "Yankee Doodle Dandy," his parrot would whistle the remaining notes in the tune.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Thu 11 July 2013

Daily Inspiration

Birth and death are not two different states but different aspects of the same state.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Wed 10 July 2013

Never lose hope. Your soul, being a reflection of the ever joyous Spirit, is in essence, happiness itself.
- Paramahansa Yogananda
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Thu 11 July 2013

Monday, July 22, 2013

Daily Factoid

Pod Toss
If you make a wish while throwing a peapod containing nine peas over your shoulder, the wish will come true.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Mon 8 July 2013

From the Kitchen Cupboard
To eliminate Canada thistles, spray seedlings less than 2 weeks old with white vinegar (5 percent acetic acid). Reapply when new sprouts appear from the roots.
Note: Vinegar will burn any plant, so be careful when treating the yard of garden.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Tue 9 July 2013

Daily Inspiration

For those who have an intense urge for Spirit and wisdom, it sits near them, waiting.
- Patanjali
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Mon 8 July 2013

 If you know that a thing is unrighteous, then use all dispatch in putting an end to it - why wait till next year?
- Mencius
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Tue 9 July 2013

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Daily Factoid

Hair Today, Compost Tomorrow
Hair makes great fertilizer, with 16 times the nitrogen of cow manure. So if you're losing your hair, make the best of it - Grow Some Roses
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Fri 5 July 2013

Birth Verse
The glowing ruby should adorn
Those who in warm July are born.
Then will they be exempt and free
From love's doubt and anxiety.
- Tiffany and Company, 1870
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Sat/Sun 6/7 July 2013

Friday, July 19, 2013

Daily Inspiration

If not today -- when?
- Kashmiri Proverb
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Fri 5 July 2013

The body is your temple. Keep it pure and clean for the soul to reside in.
- B.K.S. Iyengar
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Sat/Sun 6/7 July 2013

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Daily Factoid

The ancient Greeks and Romans observed that the hot season began when SIRIUS, also called the DOG STAR, rose just before the Sun. Many blamed Sirius for these "DOG DAYS" of drought and discomfort. Dog Days traditionally begin around July 3 and last for 40 days.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Wed 3 July 2013

Guess Who?
During the War of 1812, Samuel Wilson supplied meat to the United States Army in barrels marked "U.S." One soldier joked that "U.S." stood for "Uncle Sam" Wilson. The rest is history.
 - The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Thu 4 July 2013

Daily Inspiration

Earn money, earn fame, earn knowledge, earn whatever you want in this world. Anything temporal you are seeking you may gain, but do not deviate from the path of virtue.
- Swami Satprakashananda
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Wed 3 July 2013

Freedome means completeness,
no lack anywhere - no lack of knowledge,
no lack of power, no lack of anything
- Paramananda
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Thu 4 July 2013

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Daily Factoids

Ah, but Canada does have a summer. It's the time that separates one hockey season from another.
- Sam Orbaum, Canadian journalist (1956-2002)
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Mon 1 July 2013

Why We Love July
July is Read an Almanac Month. It's a great time to share with kids facinating facts about weather, astronomy, gardening, nature, health, history, and other facets of our world and life.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Tue 2 July 2013

Daily Inspiration

Mind alone is the cause of bondage and liberty for men; if attached to the world, it becomes bound; if free from the world, that is liberty.
- Maitrayana-Brahmana-Upanishad
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Mon 1 July 2013

That one is learned who has reduced his learning to practice.
- Hitopadesa
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Tue 2 July 2013

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Daily Factoids

These Trees Love Lightning
Beware of an OAK: it draws the stroke.
Avoid an ASH: It courts the flash
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Thu 27 June 2013

The Big One
Tombstone, Arizona, is home to the world's largest rosebush. Planted in 1885, it now spans more than 8,000 square feet.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Fri 28 June 2013

Historic Happenings
On June 30, 1950, brothers Joe Dimaggio of the New York Yankees and Dom Dimaggio of the Boston Red Sox hit home runs in the smae game.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Sat/Sun 29/30 June 2013

Daily Inspiration

Thought is crooked because it can invent anything and see things that are not there.
- Krishnamurti
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Thu 27 June 2013

Love is unity.
There is no "me" in love, only "you."
- Swami Prajnanpad
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Fri 28 June 2013

Not even a god can change into defeat the victory of a man who has vanquished himself.
- The Dhammapada
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Sat/Sun 29/30 June 2013

Monday, July 15, 2013

Interesting Tumblr Post 2 - Liquid Cats

I came across a couple tumblr posts I thought were interesting. Images are reposted here for convenience.

Second one, on http://awesomephilia.com/ cats are liquid:
Cats Are Liquids
Liquids Take the Shape of the Container While Maintaining a Constant Volume .That’s it. So Cats Are Liquids
Via - theseweirddreams.tumblr.com

Interesting Tumblr Post 1 - Maps

I came across a couple tumblr posts I thought were interesting. Images are reposted here for convenience.

First one, on http://too-gay-for-this-shit.tumblr.com/ some cool maps:

Harry Potter

My Little Pony

The Hunger Games

Rise of the Guardians / Guardians of Childhood

Doctor Who

(That's a focus on Unova which I think they made WAY too big I mean come on you wouldn't be able to see the DOCKS from space but whatever)

Percy Jackson

Avatar (TLA/LOK)

The Chronicles of Narnia

Lord of the Rings

Daily Factoids

Jewel of a Plant
Jewelweed (Impatiens capensis) is a 3- to 5-foot-tall plant with orange, spotted, trumpet-like flowers that often grows near poison ivy. If you touch poison ivy and can not wash up, crush a jewelweed stem and rub the juice onto your skin. The sap helps reduce rash symptoms.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Mon 24 June 2013

Sweet Treat
Peel a banana, cut it in half crosswise, and skewer each half with a chopstick. Dip the halves in chocolate sauce or roll them in honey and chopped nuts, and then freeze.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Tue 25 June 2013

Ladies First
Term: 1892-94
Annie Thompson, wife of John Sparrow David Thompson (4th Canadian prime minister), was born on this day in 1845. She was devoted to her husband, who relied on her for advice and support. To keep their love letters private, the couple wrote to each other in shorthand.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Wed 26 June 2013

Daily Inspiration

Always wait and listen, learn from experience. Learn from your daily life.
- Sri Swami Satchidananda
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Mon 24 June 2013

It is the contemplantive man
who is full of joy and peace.
- Paramananda
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Tue 25 June 2013

Being of Tao, one endures forever;
Though the body perishes,
one suffers not.
- Tao Te Ching
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Wed 26 June 2013

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Daily Factoids

Three Cheers for Cheddar!
Cheddar cheese was first made in Cheddar, England.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Thu 20 June 2013

Birth Verse
Who comes with summer to this Earth
And owes to June her day of birth,
With ring of agate on her hand,
can health, wealth, and long life command.
- Tiffany and Cmpany, 1870
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Fri 21 June 2013

Why shouldn't the boys and girls on the farm have as many strawberries, and currants, and cherries, and all kinds of berries as they want? There is nothing like them for health, and they save many a bill for [medicine].
- The Old Farmer's Almanac, 1881
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Sat/Sun 22/23 June 2013

Daily Inspiration

Sunlight is struggling to enter your room, but you keep the curtains tightly closed. If you just remove them from the way of the sun, its light will enter.
- Swami Satprakashananda
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Thu 20 June 2013

Always we hope
someone else has the answer.
Some other place will be better,
some other time it will all turn out.
This is it.
No one else has the answer.
No other place will be better,
and it has already turned out.
- Lao-Tzu
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Fri 21 June 2013

To know our soul apart from our ego is the first step toward accomplishing the supreme deliverance.
- Rabindranath Tagore
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Sat/Sun 22/23 June 2013

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Daily Factoids

Take It for a Spin
In the early 1800s, advertisements claimed that riding a carousel was good for blood circulation.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Mon 17 June 2013

High-Flying Residents
New York City is home to one of the world's largest urban populations of nesting peregrine falcons. The birds roost on the ledges of the city's tall buildings and rely on the plentiful pigeons for food.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Tue 18 June 2013

The secret to patience is doing something else in the meantime.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Wed 19 June 2013

Daily Inspiration

Are you and I perchance caught up in a dream from which we have not yet awakened?
- Chuang Tzu
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Mon 17 June 2013

Thought builds the universe. . . .
Anything may be achieved by thought.
- Sri Aurobindo
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Tue 18 June 2013

If you see immortality in the heart of every mortal being, you see truly.
- The Bhagavad Gita
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Wed 19 June 2013

Friday, July 12, 2013

Daily Factoids

Plant Prophecies
Want to know the sex of your unborn baby?
Plant a seed of fleabane (Erigeron spp.), a daisylike weed that blooms on roadsides from March to August. If the flowers are tinged with pink, it's a girl; if blue, it's a boy.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Thu 13 June 2013

From the Kitchen Cupboard
To produce sweet tomatoes and lower soil acidity, lightly sprinkle baking soda around the plants.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Fri 14 June 2013

When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant that I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much he had learned in 7 years.
- Mark Teain, American writer (1835-1910)
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Sat/Sun 15/16 June 2013

Daily Inspiration

All the responsibility of good and evil is on you. This is the great hope. What I have done, that I can undo.
- Swami Vivekananda
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Thu 13 June 2013

Good thoughts will produce good actions and bad thoughts will produce bad actions. Hatred does not cease by hatred at any time; hatred ceases by love.
- Buddha
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Fri 14 June 2013

Be kind and gentle to your children, both in private and in public.
- The Upanishads
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Sat/Sun 15/16 June 2013

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Daily Factoids

How to Find Your Perfect Mate
Pick an apple, prick it full of holes, carry it for a while under your left arm, and then give it to the one you desire.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Mon 10 June 2013

Soothing Similarities
Baby elephants sometimes suck on their frunks in the same way that human babies suck on their thumbs.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Tue 11 June 2013

Poor Richard's Advice
A flatterer never seems absurd.
The flatter'd always takes his word.
- Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack, 1740

Daily Inspiration

If we have anything in our life that is not in accord with spiritual principles, no amount of sitting still and trying to meditate will bring us the blessing of contemplation.
- Paramananda
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Mon 10 June 2013

How can I, who knows the body to be perishable and the soul to be imperishable, mourn over the separation of body from the soul?
- Mahatma Gandhi
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Tue 11 June 2013

Whatever you do, just do it, without expecting anyone's help.
- Shunryn Suzuki
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Wed 12 June 2013

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Daily Factoids

Drink 'till They Sink
To trap garden slugs, place plastic tubs or saucers in the soil, with the rims set at ground level, fill the containers with beer. The slugs will "come running" for a quick drink and then drown in the liquid.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Thu 6 June 2013

He who pries into every cloud may be struck by a thunderbolt.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Fri 7 June 2013

It's a Singe
Hold the cut stems of lobelia, poppies, and other flowers with milky stems in a candle flame for about 15 seconds after cutting. This seals the latex sap in the stem but still allows it to absorb water, extending the life of the arrangement.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Sat/Sun 8/9 June 2013

Daily Inspiration

The day you decide to do it is your lucky day.
- Japanese Proverb
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Thu 6 June 2013

In your veins, and in mine, there is only one blood,
The same life that animates us all!
Since one unique mother begat us all,
Where did we learn to divide ourselves?
- Kabir
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Fri 7 June 2013

If you do not forgive, you are hurt. 
If you forgive, you gain.
- Swami Satprakashananda
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Sat/Sun 8/9 June 2013

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Daily Factoids

Looking Good
Beets, broccoli, and red cabbage contain natural detoxifiers that help to rid skin of a dull complexion.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Mon 3 June 2013

Fore Luck
When playing golf, it is lucky to tee off with a ball numbered 3 or 5, with the trade name facing up.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Tue 4 June 2013

Treat Earth Well
It was not given to you by your parents. It was loaned to you by your children.
- Kenyan proverb
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Wed 5 June 2013

Daily Inspiration

The superior man is watchful over himself when he is alone.
- Confucius
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Mon 3 June 2013

As we learn to have compassion for ourselves, the circle of compassion for others becames wider.
- Pema Chodron
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Tue 4 June 2013

ONE law there is: no deed perform
To others that to thee were harm;
And this is all, all laws beside
With circumstances alter or abide.
- Bhartrihari
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Wed 5 June 2013

Monday, July 8, 2013

Daily Factoids

Berry Bribe
In spring, some Bavarians traditionally tie baskets of wild straberries to the horns of their cattle. This offering is to encourage straberry-loving elves to help the cows have healthy caves and an abundance of milk.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Thu 30 May 2013

Did You Know That...
  • Southernmost Canada is south of northernmost Pennsylvania?
  • Atlanta, Georgia, is closer to Detroit, Michigan, than to Miami, Florida?
  • Virtually all of South America is east of Savannah, Georgia?
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Fri 31 May 2013

Buzz Off!
To deter flies from buzzing around your doorway, plant mint near the entrance.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Sat/Sun 1/3 June 2013

Daily Inspiration

Cut doors and windows to make a room.
It is because of its emptiness that the room is useful.
Therefore, what is present is used for profit.
But it is in absence that there is usefulness.
- Lau-Tzu
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Thu 30 May 2013

Life is like a garden. Quite naturally, leaves wither and flowers fade. Only if we clear the decay of the past then and there can we really enjoy the beauty of the new leaves and flowers.
- Mata Amritanandamayi
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Fri 31 May 2013

However you try to define meditation, it's not that.
- Swami Brahmananda
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Sat/Sun 1/2 June 2013

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Daily Factoids

Be Careful Today
According to a study done by a british insurance company, the unluckiest day of the year is not Friday the 13th, but Monday the 27th, when an inexplicable number of household and automobile accidents occur.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Mon 27 May 2013

From the Kitchen Cupboard
To clean bloodstained fabric, soak the item in cold salt water for an hour. Then launder as usual, using warm water. 
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Tue 28 May 2013

Match each person with his or her former occupation.

1) Pery Como (singer)
2) Howard Coswell (sports announcer)
3) Gerald Ford (U.S. President)
4) Marilyn Monroe (actress)
5) Henry David Thoreau (writer)

a) barber
b) model
c) pencil maker
d) factory worker
e) lawyer

{To find answers, highlight the next line with your mouse}
Answers: 1-a; 2-e; 3-b; 4-d; 5-c
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Wed 29 May 2013

Daily Inspiration

Just as in this physical system there are changing states, babyhood, boyhood, youth, old age, so death is also a change of state.
- Sri Krishna
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Mon 27 May 2013

The moment you have any kind of ill feeling towards anybody, rightly or wrongly, you are the first victim.
- Swami Satprakashananda
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Tue 28 May 2013

One cannot do good to the country by injuring himself or his family. Similarly one cannot serve the country by injuring the world at large.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Wed 29 May 2013

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Daily Factoids

What's in a Name?
The team now known as the Los Angeles Dodger was called the Brooklyn Bridegrooms in the late 19th century.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Thu 23 May 2013

Simple Swap
No tahini?
Combine 3 parts natural peanut butter with 1 part sesame oil and use instead, as directed.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Fri 24 May 2013

Men should stop fighting among themselves and start fighting insects.
- Luther Burbank, American horticulturist (1849-1926)
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Sat/Sun 25/26 May 2013

Daily Inspiration

Running water is beautiful water. So be a channel. If anything comes, passi it on. Don't cling.
- Sri Swami Satchidananda
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Thu 23 May 2013

There is nothing in the universe that does not come from the soul.
- The Upanishads
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Fri 24 May 2013

The first sign of your becoming religious is that you are becoming cheerful.
- Swami Vivekananda
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Sat/Sun 25/26 May 2013

Friday, July 5, 2013

Daily Factoids

Ladies First
Term: 1963-68
Maryon Pearson, wife of Lester Bowles Pearson (14th Canadian prime minister), was born in 1902. Though she detested politics, her humouous personality is evident in one of her famous quotes, "Behind every successful man there stands a surprised woman."
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Mon 20 May 2013

Television is a medium
because anything well done
is rare.
- Fred Allen, American comedian (1894-1956)
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Tue 21 May 2013

For good luck, spit into the boat before sailing.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Wed 22 May 2013

Daily Inspiration

We must have sincerity of purpose, and not merely seek a comfortable road to Truth.
- Paramananda
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Mon 20 May 2013

This being human is a guest house. 
Every morning a new arrival. 
A joy, a depression, a meanness, 
some momentary awareness comes 
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
- Djalal Ad-Din Rumi
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Tue 21 May 2013

If you wish to see the truth, then hold no opinions fo or against anything.
- Sosan
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Wed 22 May 2013

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Daily Factoids

Happiness is good health and a bad memory.
- Ingrid Bergman, Swedish actress (1915-82)
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Thu 16 May 2013

To Dream of Your Perfect Mate
Hard-boil an edd, cut it in half, discard the yolk, and generously sprinkle the halves with salt. Sit on something you've never sat on before, eat the egg halves, and walk to bed backward.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Fri 17 May 2013

Restrain Yourself
Yellowing, dying foliage may look unsightly on spring-flowering bulbs tha have finished blooming, but leave it in place until it is completely brown, to help the bulbs store food for next year.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Sat/Sun 18/19 May 2013

Daily Inspiration

Do little things in an extraordinary way.
- Paramahansa Yogananda
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Thu 16 May 2013

When I stand before thee at the day's end, thou shalt see my scars and know that I had my wounds and also my healing.
- Rabindranath Tagore
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Fri 17 May 2013

It's true, you have the Buddha-nature. But without the help of a teacher, you'll never know it.
- Bodhidharma
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Sat/Sun 18/19 May 2013

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Daily Factoids

It is harder to change human nature than to change rivers and mountains.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Mon 13 May 2013

Lip Service
Make your own lip balm: 
Combine 1 tablespoon pure honey with 2 teaspoons almond oil. Then, melt a teaspoon of beeswax and stir it into the honey mixture.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Tue 14 May 2013

A Marvel-ous Coincidence
A coat purchased at a used-clothing store for Professor Marvel's costume in The Wizard of Oz was found to have originally belonged to Oz's author, L. Frank Baum (born on this day in 1856).
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Wed 15 May 2013

Interesting post on tumblr

My source: http://keyblade-cub.tumblr.com/post/54511147472/tinyteacuphands-my-life-just-changed

Daily Inspiration

In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities; in the expert's mind there are few.
- Shunryn Suzuki
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Mon 13 May 2013

Society cannot be changed unless man changes.
- Krishnamurti
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Tue 14 May 2013

It is for us to make the effort. The result is always in God's hands.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Wed 15 May 2013

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Daily Factoids

The Glorious GRAPE
To relieve seasonal allergies, try grape seed extract. It inhibits the release of histamines.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Thu 9 May 2013

Relative Look-Alike
President Theodore Rosevelt's daughter Alice, had a pet garter snake. She named it Emily Spinach because it was "as green as spinach and as thin as my Aunt Emily"
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Fri 10 May 2013

The easiest way to really get yourself hurt [on the farm], is to stomp in all muddy on Ma's wet, clean floors when Ma is still pushing the mop. What happens to you then, Ma wouldn't call an accident.
- The Old Farmer's Almanac, 1954
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Sat/Sun 11/12 May 2013

Daily Inspiration

From virtue arises happiness.
- The Mahabharata
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Thu 9 May 2013

The foolish reject what they see;
The wise reject what they think.
- Zen Saying
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Fri 10 May 2013

No only does charity begin at home. Everything begins at home, including spirituality.
- Sri Swami Satchidananda
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Sat/Sun 11/12 May 2013

Monday, July 1, 2013

Daily Factoid

You Must Be Yolking!
Farmers often add African and French marigold petals to chicken feed to make egg yolks a darker yellow.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Mon 6 May 2013 

Poor Richard's Advice
Would you live
with ease, 
do what you ought,
and not what you please.
- Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack, 1734
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Tue 7 May 2013

The appearance of bats in the early evening is an omen of fine weather to come.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Wed 8  May 2013

Daily Inspiration

Abundance can be had by simply consciously receiving what has already been given.
- Sufi Proverb
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Mon 6 May 2013  

In studying ourselves, we find the harmony that is our total existence.
- Maezumi Roshi
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Tue 7 May 2013

 The truth is that my body has come to existence, and that it will cease to exist. I am eternal.
- Shri Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari
Wisdom of The East daily calendar; Wed 8 May 2013