Jewel of a Plant
Jewelweed (Impatiens capensis) is a 3- to 5-foot-tall plant with orange, spotted, trumpet-like flowers that often grows near poison ivy. If you touch poison ivy and can not wash up, crush a jewelweed stem and rub the juice onto your skin. The sap helps reduce rash symptoms.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Mon 24 June 2013
Sweet Treat
Peel a banana, cut it in half crosswise, and skewer each half with a chopstick. Dip the halves in chocolate sauce or roll them in honey and chopped nuts, and then freeze.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Tue 25 June 2013
Ladies First
Term: 1892-94
Annie Thompson, wife of John Sparrow David Thompson (4th Canadian prime minister), was born on this day in 1845. She was devoted to her husband, who relied on her for advice and support. To keep their love letters private, the couple wrote to each other in shorthand.
- The Old Farmer's Everyday Almanac Calendar; Wed 26 June 2013
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